Features Of Our Servers
The primary benefits of our hosting packages are clearly speed, but we are also loaded with premium features, checkout some of them.
Solid State Drive
Upto 20X faster hosting as compare to standard hosting, to give your website extra speed booster.
Free SSL
Our SSD Hosting comes with Free Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate to keep Website, E-Mails and Visitors secure.
Server Rewind Backups
Freedom from accidental deletion, hack or data corruption! with our Server Rewind recovery program.
Softaculous Installer
Install popular software with 1-click. Install Wordpress, Drupal, Opencart, Joomla and much more.
Guru Crew Support
Wherever you are, Whenever you need, our Guru Crew is here to support you best way possible.
Latest CPanel
We're focused to provide you latest technology, that's why we have latest and fully loaded cPanel.